Milo was born on October 28th in 2011 from the South. He is a Mini Golden Retriever and has the same personality of a pure Golden Retriever. He is a natural healer. He is very playful, a quick learner and loves food. He enjoys the outdoors and loves grass areas. He must greet every single person (adults and children) and animal he sees and in that order. Surprisingly, he acts like a cat too. He loves string like things, walking between legs and lay like a cat. He might of lived with a cat named Ninja. He is very organized as he likes to help sort out all the socks and other things at home.
Milo's Mama was a pure Golden Retriever. Her name was Rozene. She was 2 years old and 65 pounds. Milo's Papa was half Golden and half Poodle. His name was Genesis. He was 4 years old and 25 pounds. He had 6 sister and 4 brothers. His Grandparents from his Papa's side was named Wrigley (Grandmama) and Yankee (Grandpapa).
He has half siblings names Jasmine, Desmond, Sophia, Charlie, Zoey, Hudson, Lily, and Skylor.
Milo's Chinese Zodiac is the Rabbit and his Horoscope sign is the Scorpio.
Milo's weight increase
months | pounds
1.5 | 05.5
2.3 | 07.5
2.4 | 08.0
2.5 | 08.2
3.0 | 10.2
3.5 | 14.0
4.4 | 20.0
4.8 | 22.4
5.8 | 26.8
6.6 | 31.0
7.5 | 36.1
8.0 | 37.6
9.0 | 39.5
Milo's height increase
wks | tall
09.0 | 2ft
10.0 | 2ft & 5"
16.0 | 3 ft
20.5 | 18.5" tall 25" length
25.5 | 21.0" tall 25" length
What online says about Goldens...
The breed name was officially Golden Retriever in 1929. They are intelligent and have an eager to please attitude. Goldens were breed to retriever ducks at hunting sites. They are ideal to be a service dog, therapy dog and emotional support dog.
"Friendly, reliable, and trustworthy. Quarrelsomeness or hostility towards other dogs or people in normal situations, or an unwarranted show of timidity or nervousness, is not in keeping with Golden Retriever character. Such actions should be penalized according to their significance.
The Golden Retriever originated in the Scottish Highlands in the late 1800s and was used predominantly for hunting. The breed was developed by Lord Tweedmouth, whose goal was to create a superb retriever suited to the Scottish climate, terrain and available game. He crossed his original "Yellow Retriever" with the Tweed Water Spaniel (now extinct) found on his estate. Later integrations of Irish Setter, Bloodhound, and more Tweed Water Spaniel produced the retriever we know today" written by AKC.
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